1xxxxx5504 opened this issue · 2 comments
[16:50:01] [INFO] Starting Lunar Core 1.3.0
[16:50:01] [INFO] Git hash: 3b728b2 (2024-06-16 11:39:35)
[16:50:01] [INFO] Game version: 2.2.0
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 413 AvatarPromotionExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 354 AvatarRankExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 749 EquipmentPromotionExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 132 ChallengeTargetExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 615 RogueMapExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 173 NpcMonsterExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 116 BackGroundMusicExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 1352 MonsterExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 42 RogueTalentExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 704 RogueRoomExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 4512 RewardExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 20 RogueNousSubStoryExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 431 ChallengeExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 13 SummonUnitExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 847 PropExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 266 CocoonExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 1386 RogueMonsterExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 16 RogueDLCAreaExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 240 EquipmentExpTypeExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 827 NpcExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 64 RelicExpTypeExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 222 BattleEventDataExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 67 ShopExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 46 ChallengeGroupExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 81 TextJoinExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 48 RelicSubAffixExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 460 MapEntranceExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 193 MazePlaneExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 2635 QuestExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 198 ItemUseExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 12 RogueNousDiceBranchExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 117 RelicMainAffixExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 128 ActivityPanelExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 200 ExpTypeExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 36 RelicSetExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 36 RogueBonusExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 1192 MazeBuffExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 8 RogueNousMainStoryExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 260 RogueNPCExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 201 InteractExcels.
[16:50:02] [INFO] Loaded 59 AvatarExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 19180 StageExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 78 RogueManagerExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 6 HeroExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 70 PlayerLevelExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 45 PlayerIconExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 9 RogueAeonExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 250 RogueMiracleExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 3130 ItemExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 234 ItemComposeExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 1343 DialogueEventExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 107 EquipmentExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 484 RogueBuffExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 975 MappingInfoExcels.
[16:50:03] [INFO] Loaded 69 ChallengeRewardExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 2023 MonsterDropExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 3 EquipmentExpItemExcels.
[16:50:04] [ERROR] Error loading resource file: [RogueBuffGroup.json]
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList.iterator()" because "this.RogueBuffTagList" is null
at emu.lunarcore.data.excel.RogueBuffGroupExcel.onLoad(RogueBuffGroupExcel.java:34)
at emu.lunarcore.data.ResourceLoader.lambda$loadFromResource$3(ResourceLoader.java:189)
at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(ArrayList.java:1708)
at java.base/java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$Head.forEach(ReferencePipeline.java:762)
at emu.lunarcore.data.ResourceLoader.loadFromResource(ResourceLoader.java:187)
at emu.lunarcore.data.ResourceLoader.loadFromResource(ResourceLoader.java:129)
at emu.lunarcore.data.ResourceLoader.loadResources(ResourceLoader.java:115)
at emu.lunarcore.data.ResourceLoader.loadAll(ResourceLoader.java:45)
at emu.lunarcore.LunarCore.main(LunarCore.java:117)
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 32 ChallengeStoryExtraExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 484 ShopGoodsExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 7 ChatBubbleExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 2950 AvatarSkillTreeExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 3 AvatarExpItemExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 454 RelicExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 7 PhoneThemeExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 4 RelicExpItemExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loaded 38 RogueAreaExcels.
[16:50:04] [INFO] Loading floor infos... this may take a while.
[16:50:04] [WARN] Floor 31101005 is missing group infos.
[16:50:04] [WARN] Floor 31101006 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 43321003 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 44304001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 31101001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 31101009 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 20314001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 40102001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 31101007 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 31101003 is missing group infos.
[16:50:05] [WARN] Floor 41131001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:06] [WARN] Floor 10101008 is missing group infos.
[16:50:06] [WARN] Floor 40222006 is missing group infos.
[16:50:06] [WARN] Floor 31101002 is missing group infos.
[16:50:06] [WARN] Floor 41221004 is missing group infos.
[16:50:06] [WARN] Floor 10000003 is missing group infos.
[16:50:07] [WARN] Floor 40305002 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 40305004 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 40311001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 40305003 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 40305005 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 40305001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 41123001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 89121001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:08] [WARN] Floor 89111001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:09] [WARN] Floor 41122001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:09] [WARN] Floor 40122002 is missing group infos.
[16:50:09] [WARN] Floor 89001001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:10] [WARN] Floor 31101008 is missing group infos.
[16:50:10] [WARN] Floor 31101004 is missing group infos.
[16:50:10] [WARN] Floor 41132001 is missing group infos.
[16:50:10] [WARN] Group infos are missing, please check your resources folder: {resources}/Config/LevelOutput/Group. Teleports, monster battles, and natural world spawns may not work!
[16:50:10] [INFO] Loaded 361 floor infos.
[16:50:10] [WARN] Summon unit configs are missing, please check your resources folder: {resources}/Config/ConfigSummonUnit. Character summon techniques may not work!
[16:50:10] [WARN] Maze abilities are missing, please check your resources folder: {resources}/Config/ConfigAdventureAbility/LocalPlayer. Character techniques may not work!
[16:50:10] [INFO] Loaded 58 maze abilities for avatars.
[16:50:10] [WARN] RogueMapGen not found in data folder. Simulated universe will not work.
[16:50:10] [INFO] Loaded 74 rogue events.
[16:50:10] [INFO] Resource loading complete
[16:50:12] [INFO] Http Server running as: DISPATCH, GATESERVER
[16:50:12] [INFO] Http Server started on 443
[16:50:13] [INFO] Game Server registered 138 packet handlers
[16:50:13] [WARN] No gacha banners loaded!
[16:50:13] [INFO] Game Server started on 23301
[16:50:22] [INFO] Displaying list of commands:
[16:50:22] [INFO] /account {create | delete} [username] (reserved player uid). Creates or deletes an account.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /avatar {cur | all | lineup} lv(level) p(ascension) e(eidolon) s(skill levels). Sets the current avatar's properties
[16:50:22] [INFO] /clear {relics | lightcones | materials | items} lv(filter level). Removes filter items from the targeted player's inventory.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /energy. Refills all characters energy in current lineup.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /gender {male | female}. Sets the player gender.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /give [item id] x(amount) lv(level) r(rank) p(promotion). Gives the targeted player an item.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /giveall {materials | avatars | lightcones | relics | usables} lv(level). Gives the targeted player items.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /heal. Heals your avatars.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /help. Displays a list of available commands.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /kick @[player id]. Kicks a player from the server.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /lineup [avatar ids]. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Sets your current lineup with the specified avatar ids.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /mail [content]. Sends the targeted player a system mail.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /permission {add | remove | clear} [permission]. Gives/removes a permission from the targeted player.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /refill - refill your skill points in open world.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /reload. Reloads the server config.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /scene [scene id] [floor id]. Teleports the player to the specified scene.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /setlevel [level] - Sets the targeted player's trailblazer level.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /spawn [npc monster id/prop id] s[stage id] x[amount] lv[level] r[radius] . Spawns a monster or prop near the targeted player.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /status. Displays the status of the server.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /stop - Stops the server
[16:50:22] [INFO] /unstuck @[player id]. Unstucks an offline player if theyre in a scene that doesnt load.
[16:50:22] [INFO] /worldlevel [world level]. Sets the targeted player's equilibrium level.
"accountDatabase": {
"uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"collection": "lunarcore",
"useInternal": true
"gameDatabase": {
"uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"collection": "lunarcore",
"useInternal": true
"internalMongoServer": {
"address": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"filePath": "database.mv"
"useSameDatabase": true,
"keystore": {
"path": "./certificate.p12",
"password": "123456"
"httpServer": {
"useSSL": true,
"regionListRefresh": 60000,
"bindAddress": "",
"bindPort": 443,
"publicAddress": "",
"publicPort": null
"gameServer": {
"id": "lunar_rail_test",
"name": "Lunar Core",
"description": "A LunarCore server",
"kcpInterval": 40,
"kcpTimeout": 30,
"bindAddress": "",
"bindPort": 23301,
"publicAddress": "",
"publicPort": null
"serverOptions": {
"autoCreateAccount": true,
"sceneMaxEntites": 500,
"maxCustomRelicLevel": 15,
"unlockAllChallenges": true,
"spendStamina": true,
"staminaRecoveryRate": 300,
"staminaReserveRecoveryRate": 1080,
"startTrailblazerLevel": 1,
"autoUpgradeWorldLevel": true,
"language": "CHS",
"defaultPermissions": [
"serverFriendInfo": {
"name": "Server",
"signature": "Type /help for a list of commands",
"level": 1,
"headIcon": 201001,
"chatBubbleId": 0,
"displayAvatarId": 1001,
"displayAvatarLevel": 1
"welcomeMail": {
"title": "Welcome to a LunarCore server",
"sender": "Server",
"content": "Welcome to Lunar Core! Please take these items as a starter gift. For a list of commands, type /help in the server chat window. Check out our \u003ca type\u003dOpenURL1 href\u003dhttps://discord.gg/cfPKJ6N5hw\u003eDiscord\u003c/a\u003e and \u003ca type\u003dOpenURL1 href\u003dhttps://github.com/Melledy/LunarCore\u003eGithub\u003c/a\u003e for more information about the server.",
"attachments": [
"id": 2,
"count": 1000000
"id": 101,
"count": 100
"id": 102,
"count": 100
"id": 1001,
"count": 1
"id": 1002,
"count": 1
"serverTime": {
"spoofTime": false,
"spoofDate": "15-01-2024 08:00:00"
"serverRates": {
"exp": 1.0,
"credit": 1.0,
"jade": 1.0,
"material": 1.0,
"equip": 1.0
"logOptions": {
"commands": true,
"connections": true,
"packets": false,
"filterLoopingPackets": false
"resourceDir": "./resources",
"dataDir": "./data"
[16:50:01] [INFO] Game version: 2.2.0
why do u use 2.2 server with 2.4 resources?
update it and get solved