git hf push critical
icalvete opened this issue · 2 comments
icalvete commented
I keep this error
root@yoda:/tmp/test# git hf push
/usr/local/bin/hubflow-common: line 296: =origin: command not found
/usr/local/bin/hubflow-common: line 297: =: command not found
fatal: ambiguous argument '': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions
fatal: Not a valid object name
fatal: '/' does not point to a commit
There were merge conflicts. To resolve the merge conflict manually, use:
git mergetool
git commit
You should then push your changes back up to '', using:
git push '' ''
After you have pushed back to '', please retry your HubFlow command
$1 value is 'origin'
$2 value is empty
_hubflow_remote_merge_helpe_r is called from git hf push
hubflow_remote_merge_helper "$ORIGIN" "$BRANCH"
Where $ORIGIN value is 'origin' and $BRANCH is empty.
Before only es called hubflow_load_settings
# loading settings that can be overridden using git config
hubflow_load_settings() {
export DOT_GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)
export MASTER_BRANCH=$(git config --get hubflow.branch.master)
export DEVELOP_BRANCH=$(git config --get hubflow.branch.develop)
export ORIGIN=$(git config --get hubflow.origin || echo origin)
export CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git_current_branch)
export FEATURE_PREFIX=$(git config --get hubflow.prefix.feature)
export RELEASE_PREFIX=$(git config --get hubflow.prefix.release)
export HOTFIX_PREFIX=$(git config --get hubflow.prefix.hotfix)
export SUPPORT_PREFIX=$(git config --get
export VERSION_PREFIX=$(git config --get hubflow.prefix.versiontag)
BRANCH isn't
In other machine with other version works
# loading settings that can be overridden using git config
hubflow_load_settings() {
export DOT_GIT_DIR=$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)
export MASTER_BRANCH=$(git config --get hubflow.branch.master)
export DEVELOP_BRANCH=$(git config --get hubflow.branch.develop)
export ORIGIN=$(git config --get hubflow.origin || echo origin)
export BRANCH=$(git_current_branch)
stuartherbert commented
This was a bug on the develop branch, which I fixed on Friday. Please reclone the Gitflow repo and re-install, and it should fix your problem.
icalvete commented
Now works. Thanks.