
Is this tool used in production?

christianparpart opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi all,

sorry if this title sounds a little offensive, but trying to get it to run feels slightly backstabbing. However, I am looking for a good deployment tool (ideally CLI) that we can use on top of our Marathon/Mesos cluster(s) and from the first look, lighter seems like a very good idea.

However, I noticed quite a few pains.

  • the Dockerfile is not working at all and poorly respecting best practices
  • the shell scripts (such as / and /lighter and /test use set -x, something you should only do while debugging your code - not in production.

I'd be willing to provide some PRs, however, I have proven zero knowledge in Python, also, done 3-liner PRs feels like we're all better off if you just $EDITOR $thefile && git commit -a && git commit yourself. Please correct me, if I can still be at help.

Last but not least,
will you continue using lighter in our own (production??) environment, or what will the expected TTL be?

Many thanks, and looking forward for your reply,

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