When running verify without queues, exchanges or bindings gives nasty errors
rasjoh opened this issue · 0 comments
rasjoh commented
Would like to see more relevant errors when queues exchanges or bindings doesnt exist when running verify
13:02:50.668 ERROR - Response with HTTP status 401 Unauthorized, expected status code 200
13:02:50.669 ERROR - Failed to fetch existing bindings from com.meltwater.enrichment.social@/
com.meltwater.puppy.rest.RestClientException: Response with HTTP status 401 Unauthorized, expected status code 200
at com.meltwater.puppy.rest.RabbitRestClient.expect(RabbitRestClient.kt:212) ~[rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.rest.RabbitRestClient.getBindings(RabbitRestClient.kt:93) ~[rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.RabbitPuppy.bindings(RabbitPuppy.kt:220) [rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.RabbitPuppy.verify(RabbitPuppy.kt:96) [rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.RunKt.verify(Run.kt:122) [rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.RunKt.access$verify(Run.kt:1) [rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.Run.run(Run.kt:85) [rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
at com.meltwater.puppy.Main.main(Main.java:5) [rabbit-puppy.jar:na]
It should be a oneliner: "ERROR: Exchange doesnt exist for binding "
Everything needs to be split into smaller parts and checked individually, and if the exchange/queue doesnt exist then obviously binding doesnt exist