
Human-in-the loop mix initiative control under temporal tasks

Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Mix_initiative Control

Human-in-the-loop mix initiative control under temporal tasks

  author={M. {Guo} and S. {Andersson} and D. V. {Dimarogonas}},
  booktitle={2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, 
  title={Human-in-the-Loop Mixed-Initiative Control Under Temporal Tasks}, 


This package contains the implementation of the mix-initiative control of a single robot under temporal tasks. The human operator can directly modify the navigation input of the robot and assign new tasks to the robot during run time. The workspace is assumed to be only partially-known and possibly dynamic. More importantly, via this interaction, the robot can learn the human preference for the parameters used in the plan synthesis.

For simulation files based on TIAGo robot, see /tiago.

For experiment files based on TurtleBot, see /turtlebot.

For the complete ROS package, see /hil_mix_control


  • Human operator can influence the cmd_vel control velocities whenever needed:

    -- to guide the robot through unknown area of the workspace,

    -- to show the preferred path.

  • Safety is ensured for all time by the mix-initiative controller, for all possible human inputs.

  • Human can assign contingent short-term tasks during run time, which the robot will accommodate within the given deadline.


  • Mix-initiative controller.

      MixPublisher = rospy.Publisher('mix_vel', Twist, queue_size = 100)
      # control command from amcl navigation
      rospy.Subscriber('nav_vel', Twist, NaviControlCallback)
      # control command from tele operation
      rospy.Subscriber('key_vel', Twist, TeleControlCallback)
      mix_control, gain = smooth_mix(tele_control, navi_control, dist_to_trap)
      SendMix(MixPublisher, mix_control)
      print 'mix_control: %s ||| navi_control: %s ||| tele_control: %s ||| gain: %.2f' %(mix_control, navi_control, tele_control, gain)

    The /tiago/twist_mux_topics.yaml needs to be modified by: 1. add mix_vel to the receiving topics; 2. give mix_vel much higher priority than nav_vel and joy_vel.

  • Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL)

    Given the past inputs from the human, the robot could learn the preferred value of the parameters used in the plan synthesis. This is closely related to the inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) problem, where the robot learns about the cost functions of the system model based on demonstration of the preferred plans. On the other hand, in reinforcement learning problem, the robot learns the optimal plan given these functions.

    Most problems of IRL are ill-posed. In order to improve generalization such that the robot could infer the human preference based on the human's past inputs (instead of simply repeating them), our solution is based on the maximum margin planning algorithm.

	print 'Iteration --%d--'%count
	beta = beta_p
	marg_path = self.margin_opt_path(opt_path, beta)
	marg_cost = self.compute_path_cost(marg_path)
	marg_ac_d = marg_cost[1]
	print '(opt_ac_d-marg_ac_d)', opt_ac_d-marg_ac_d
	#gradient = beta + lam*(opt_ac_d-marg_ac_d)
	gradient = lam*(opt_ac_d-marg_ac_d)
	if count <10:
			beta_p = beta - (alpha)*gradient
			beta_p = beta - (alpha/(count+1))*gradient
	print 'gradient:%.2f and beta_dif:%.2f' %(gradient, beta-beta_p)
	count += 1
	print 'old beta: %.2f ||| new beta: %.2f' %(beta, beta_p)
	score = self.opt_path_match(opt_path, marg_path)

As a result, the robot's discrete plan can be updated based on the learned parameter. It can be seen below that the human only needs to interfere the robot's motions when needed.

  • Temporary Task Assignment

    The human can assign a temporary task to the robot during run time, with a preferred deadline. The adaptation algorithm add_temp_task finds the optimal indices where the robot could derived from its current plan and satisfy the temporary task.
