
  • We will run algorithms for sequence alignment and then compare between them:
    • Smith-Waterman
    • Particle Swarm Optimization
    • Sine Cosine Algorithm
    • SCA-PSO Alignment

Algorithms and Updating Equations

1. Smith-Waterman Algorithm

The Smith-Waterman algorithm is used for local sequence alignment to identify regions of similarity between sequences.

Score Update Equation:

$$ \text{Score}(i, j) = \max \begin{cases} \text{Score}(i-1, j-1) + \text{Similarity}(\text{SeqA}[i], \text{SeqB}[j]) \\ \text{Score}(i-1, j) + \text{GapPenalty} \\ \text{Score}(i, j-1) + \text{GapPenalty} \\ 0 \end{cases} $$


  • ( \text{Similarity}(\text{SeqA}[i], \text{SeqB}[j]) ): A positive score for a match and a negative score for a mismatch.
  • ( \text{GapPenalty} ): A penalty for introducing gaps in the alignment.

2. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

PSO is a metaheuristic optimization algorithm inspired by the social behavior of birds or fish. Each particle in the population adjusts its position based on its own experience and the global best position.

Velocity Update Equation:

$$ v_i^{t+1} = w \cdot v_i^t + c_1 \cdot \text{rand}() \cdot (p_{i,\text{best}} - x_i^t) + c_2 \cdot \text{rand}() \cdot (g_{\text{best}} - x_i^t) $$

Position Update Equation:

$$ x_i^{t+1} = x_i^t + v_i^{t+1} $$


  • ( w ): Inertia weight controlling the influence of the previous velocity.
  • ( c_1, c_2 ): Cognitive and social coefficients.
  • ( \text{rand}() ): Random value between ( [0, 1] ).
  • ( p_{i,\text{best}} ): Best position of particle ( i ).
  • ( g_{\text{best}} ): Global best position.

3. Sine-Cosine Algorithm (SCA)

SCA uses sine and cosine functions to explore and exploit the search space dynamically.

Position Update Equation:

$$ x_i^{t+1} = \begin{cases} x_i^t + r_1 \cdot \sin(r_2) \cdot |r_3 \cdot g_{\text{best}} - x_i^t|, & \text{if } r_4 < 0.5 \\ x_i^t + r_1 \cdot \cos(r_2) \cdot |r_3 \cdot g_{\text{best}} - x_i^t|, & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$


  • ( r_1 ): Exploration factor controlling the step size, reduced over iterations.
  • ( r_2 ): A random angle in ( [0, 2\pi] ) controlling the direction of movement.
  • ( r_3, r_4 ): Random values in ( [0, 1] ).
  • ( g_{\text{best}} ): Global best solution.

Exploration Factor:

$$ r_1 = a \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{t}{T} \right) $$


  • ( a ): A constant factor.
  • ( t ): Current iteration.
  • ( T ): Maximum number of iterations.

4. SCA-PSO Algorithm

SCA-PSO combines the Sine-Cosine Algorithm (SCA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to balance exploration and exploitation.

Bottom Layer (SCA)

Position Update Equation:

$$ x_{ij}^{t+1} = \begin{cases} x_{ij}^t + r_1 \cdot \sin(r_2) \cdot |r_3 \cdot y_i - x_{ij}^t|, & \text{if } r_4 < 0.5 \\ x_{ij}^t + r_1 \cdot \cos(r_2) \cdot |r_3 \cdot y_i - x_{ij}^t|, & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} $$

Top Layer (PSO)

Velocity Update Equation:

$$ v_i^{t+1} = w \cdot v_i^t + c_1 \cdot \text{rand}() \cdot (y_{i,\text{pbest}} - y_i^t) + c_2 \cdot \text{rand}() \cdot (y_{\text{gbest}} - y_i^t) $$

Position Update Equation:

$$ y_i^{t+1} = y_i^t + v_i^{t+1} $$


  • ( y_i ): Best solution of group ( i ) in the bottom layer.
  • ( y_{i,\text{pbest}} ): Personal best solution of ( y_i ).
  • ( y_{\text{gbest}} ): Global best solution across all particles.

5. FLAT Algorithm

The Fragmented Local Alignment Technique (FLAT) is designed to detect the Longest Common Consecutive Subsequence (LCCS) between two sequences. It works by fragmenting sequences into smaller subsequences of size ( L ) and performing local alignment using techniques like the Smith-Waterman algorithm.

At each iteration, FLAT compares all possible fragments of length ( L ) in two sequences ( \text{SeqA} ) and ( \text{SeqB} ):

$$ \text{Score}(i, j) = \max_{1 \leq k \leq L} \left( \text{Smith-Waterman}(\text{SeqA}[i:i+L], \text{SeqB}[j:j+L]) \right) $$


  • ( \text{SeqA}[i:i+L] ): Fragment of length ( L ) starting at position ( i ) in sequence ( \text{SeqA} ).
  • ( \text{SeqB}[j:j+L] ): Fragment of length ( L ) starting at position ( j ) in sequence ( \text{SeqB} ).
  • ( \text{Smith-Waterman}(x, y) ): Local alignment score between fragments ( x ) and ( y ).

The FLAT algorithm iterates over all possible starting positions ( i ) and ( j ) in the sequences:

$$ \text{Best Score} = \max_{i, j} \left( \text{Score}(i, j) \right) $$


  • ( i \in [0, |\text{SeqA}| - L] )
  • ( j \in [0, |\text{SeqB}| - L] )


You can install the required libraries using pip:

pip install numpy biopython matplotlib pyswarm scipy fpdf pandas