
Links in form are displayed in very light color

Opened this issue · 2 comments

If there are some links the form, they are displayed in a very light color and can be hard to read (depending on the display brightness).

Maybe we could use a color that is a little bit darker?


Thanks for the catch @alex-cit. When we're in Dark mode on Android, rich text color becomes too light, making it hard to read. This issue doesn't occur on iOS, therefore I believe rich text's color shouldn't change regardless of the platform's color mode.

Hi @alex-cit, you can change the link color with CSS :) See

text: "<style>" + "a:link { color: " + __style.earthColor
+ "; text-decoration: underline; }" + "p.odd { color: "
+ __style.nightColor + "; }" + "</style>" + root.text

We could use this approach too, but it would override the user-specified color (if there is any).