
Mergin CE with Docker on Ubuntu 18.04 steps after installation

geomoes opened this issue · 7 comments

I'm new to Docker and
I followed the instructions to install mergin via Docker on our server (Ubuntu 18.04 on e.g. '').
Now I have

  • mergin-server
  • mergin-db
  • mergin-redis
    but I have no idea what are the next steps.

How can I access the mergin-server and the admin panel or how can I
connect to QGIS trough the Mergin Maps Plugin to create and manage new projects?

You can access the webapp via : http://localhost:5000

Maybe your enterprise firewall block port 5000, so you can map mergin-server to port 80 :

- 80:5000

This work for me.

I have a similar problem.

I have added the redirect port

I run

sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Probably I not correctly setup the network (networks: section)?

I do not change the docker.compose.yml file

version: "3.7"

    image: postgres:14


I obtain the following answer

 "detail": "The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.",
 "status": 404,
 "title": "Not Found",
 "type": "about:blank"

This task has been stale for a while now, closing. Feel free to reopen it if needed!

@tomasMizera I encountered similar issue as @rmarzocchi84. This happened after upgrade of Mergin Maps server from 2.0 to 6.1. Got the same notification as on second picture from @rmarzocchi84

@tomasMizera I encountered similar issue as @rmarzocchi84. This happened after upgrade of Mergin Maps server from 2.0 to 6.1. Got the same notification as on second picture from @rmarzocchi84

Hi @wojtek19022, the server should be available at http://localhost:5000/, I filed a ticket to add it to the documentation, thanks!

Thank you for check up @tomasMizera ! Glad to hear that! Can't wait for a fix