
remap table goes out of sync

Opened this issue · 4 comments

when features are added to a WP and synced back to the main mergin project we find that on occasion (2+ times per week) the script crashes and manual intervention is needed. The cause of the script crashing is the remap table going out of sync with the WP's. i.e. a smaller FID is assigned to a new feature in a WP than the highest FID in the remap table.
Hope it makes sense 🤪. @

hi @HugoP27 would it be possible to point me to one such particular case (at which version of which project) and ideally also what is the error that you get from the script?

Hi @wonder-sk I do not have an example of the files, sorry.
This has not been happening with our new version of the main-project. The previous project was at version ~3600, not sure if this error was as a result of the high version number.
I will look further if I have some useful screenshots somewhere.

Hi again @wonder-sk ,
I have an example ready for you of the various versions of projects as well as the error.
It would seem it is related to our other issue where edits in the main geopackage are not propagated to the work-packages.
I am sending an email with the relevant data.

The error example:

Suggested fix, if this error occurs, clear the applicable remap table so that the script generates new remap values on next iteration. This is how we fix it. Not sure if this could cause other issues elsewhere, but so far for us it hasn't