
use iflytek's technology to realize awaken and order recognition

Primary LanguageC


Tihs package use alsa to record voice and wait for awake, and then recognize order. My code is refer to iflytek's asr_record_sample and awaken_sample. For more infomation, please check through iflytek's reference.

I do not know why, but the iflytek does not accept relative path, so you need to change your package's absolute path in asr_record.h like this: #define PACKAGE_PATH "/home/your_name/catkin_ws/src/awaken_asr/"

And you need to change your appid which obtained from http://www.xfyun.cn/ in awaken_asr_ros.cpp. Replace the resource files in res folder & libs folder

To use it, just cd to your work space and source ./64bit_make.sh or 32bit_make.sh depending on your system. It will build automatically. After building the code, you just need to run ./bin/awaken_asr It will awaken by saying the word in wordlist.txt and the run order recognition according to the rules specific in call.bnf for 15s. When finish, it will change variate g_order and g_is_order_publiced. You can do your job in main.c