
OpenAPI 3.1

braco opened this issue · 5 comments

braco commented

Hi, do you have any plans to support OpenAPI 3.1?

Yes. If people have features of OpenAPI 3.1 they particularly want supporting as a priority, please list them here.

OpenAPI 3.1 GA has been released. You can track support for OAS 3.1 in the underlying library used by this project here

I'm using OpenAPI 3.1 and my generated API looks like this. I havent used mermade before so I don't know if this is a OpenAPI 3.1 issue or a config problem but my API title looks ugly.


@jwillmer have you tried adding operationIds to your input OpenAPI definition?

I rely on webhooks a lot, and this is only available since OpenAPI 3.1. This means that webhooks are ignored when generating the markdown file. I only tried node for like a week more than 10 years ago, so I won't be of much help on the keyboard. Is there anything else I can do to help?