
Export not working (or not sure)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Expected behaviour

  1. Run mermaid export
  2. see my file, or ... something.

Actual behaviour

  1. Run mermaid export (cmd-ctrl-p)
  2. [nothing happens]

Where does it export to? Assuming cwd, it is not working. No log messages (despite checking mermaid export debug" in settings).

I searched issues, and this project's readme (doesn't contain the word "export"). Possibly related to #57 (in that I don't seem to have a working config).

This plugin does not support exporting the diagrams, only preview. Do you have other Mermaid plugins installed?

Hey, thanks. What do you mean by "export preview" -- does it export SVG, PNG, ... ? Maybe just adding a note about the export capability in the README would help.

Export means save in this context. There is already an open ticket tracking that. Closing this one in favour of #5.