Download this files and put 'datafiles\BF' directory or update databases with bat scripts
1 - BitcoinMnemoBrut Generated mnemonic and check m/44'/0'/0'/0/0 and m/49'/0'/0'/0/0
2 - EthMnemoBrut Generated mnemonic and check m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
3 - UnholyCasasciusBrut Generated Minikeys and check
4 - Bitcoin Balance Checker Put your 'btc.txt' file in 'FOLDERFORCHEKBALANCE' and run script
5 - Checking Private keys BTC, ETH, DOGE, LTC & DASH Cheking private keys
6 - BrainwalletEthBtc FullGeN Enter count symbols and check
7 - UnholyBrainwalletBrut Put your file in "slovari" folder and rename "words.txt" Check in BTC and ETH.
8 - PrivatKeyGen&check(ETH, BTC) Random generation private keys and check in ETH and BTC
For install:
pip install bit
pip install simplebloomfilter
pip install bitarray==1.9.2
pip install colored
pip install eth_keys
pip install bip32