
Add support for more languages in Redacted mode

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When playing Redacted mode, on "truncate" and "censor" sessions it's not possible to select words in languages other than English. I tried it with Hebrew and it didn't work.

Can you provide me with some example text so I can replicate the issue?

When playing Redacted, try writing stuff in English when it asks for words for the story, then when it lets you choose between Truncate to Censor, choose Censor and when it asks you to Repair the text, try to insert the following word: שלום.
It won't let you submit the text unless you write in English, it will instead clear the textbox and will do nothing.
I also tried it with another RTL language(Arabic), inserting the following text: سلام.
The result was the same.