Pinned issues
- 1
[Bug] key missing for tun inbound
#1672 opened by Long0x0 - 4
[Feature] 支持 HOST IP 作为出站代理
#1661 opened by pspmoe - 5
#1659 opened by SnowCore8 - 0
[Feature] category-ai-chat-!cn的规则
#1670 opened by Bitcion - 0
[Feature] 支持协议探测
#1669 opened by SixGodSGD - 1
[Bug] 子规则加上no-resolve,内核报错
#1668 opened by Leefurmore - 2
[Bug] 使用hysteria/hysteria2协议会导致内存泄漏
#1649 opened by huxim - 3
[Bug] 使用tun模式时,开启ipv6会导致tun内核启动失败
#1667 opened by SixGodSGD - 1
[Feature] 建议新增默认出站
#1665 opened by SixGodSGD - 0
[Bug] windows11开启ip转发后,tun模式不可用
#1664 opened by kckm - 1
[Bug] tun模式在切换网络时偶发dns问题
#1662 opened by chenjunjie45 - 6
[Bug] 开启 TUN 后 DNS 请求均报 SERVFAIL(可能对所有网络请求都有影响)
#1635 opened by LittleYe233 - 0
[Bug] ss配置中添加ws 0-RTT参数失败
#1660 opened by AquaSimulacra - 1
[Feature] 将要分流的 域名 或 应用,保存在本地.yaml文件中,在 rule-providers: 中设置 type: file ,并在 Rules:中配置分流,无效果.
#1658 opened by gsuns - 2
[Bug] unable to use mihomo's proxy listener ports via IPv6 Link-Local address
#1657 opened by Fearyncess - 0
[Bug] update_ui.go中cleanup方法会删除external-ui目录导致报错
#1651 opened by lnc1995 - 0
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[Feature] 最近的更新不能用tun网卡当dns了吗
#1653 opened by Bitcion - 0
[Feature] Any possibility for adding auto-2FA for ssh?
#1652 opened by EXGDT - 1
[Feature] override 字段添加 修改节点域名的功能
#1614 opened by iKun10001 - 2
[Feature] 代理集合proxy-providers:增加复写多路复用等更多内容
#1648 opened by SatenRuiko-Lv0 - 0
[Feature] 纯 kernel 环境下切换代理
#1647 opened by buzzxI - 0
[Feature] Option to set a downloaded file size limit for rule provider
#1645 opened by turtle-ca-chan - 4
[Feature] 建议修改lan-allowed-ips默认值为常见局域网ip地址
#1640 opened by Mars160 - 0
[Bug] win11下开启TUN模式会导致网络崩溃
#1638 opened by donnieYeh - 2
[Bug] 关于ss协议解析报错initialize error: unknown method: ss"
#1637 opened by whp98 - 1
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[Bug] dns 模块 fake-ip-filter geosite 没有生效
#1634 opened by xaotag - 0
[Feature] Add a HTTPS PROXY SERVER support
#1633 opened by AzulEterno - 0
[Bug] TUN的 mixed stack 在GSO启用的情况下会导致UDP异常无法使用
#1632 opened by vernesong - 2
[Bug] fake-ip-filter geosite 未生效
#1629 opened by xaotag - 0
[Bug] mixed stack 在GSO启用的情况下会导致UDP异常无法使用
#1630 opened by vernesong - 0
#1627 opened by naishi001 - 0
[Feature] 希望 interface-name 添加接口组
#1610 opened by Lycofuture - 1
[Feature] 可以配置直连规则走redir-host,代理规则走fake-ip
#1626 opened by lvxj11 - 2
[Feature] Expanding InUser or adding InAuthUser in metadata
#1625 opened by xzycn - 2
[Feature] Expanding InUser or adding InAuthUser in metadata
#1624 opened by xzycn - 1
[Bug] dialer-proxy connect failed 如何解决?
#1621 opened by hanyaxxx - 0
[Feature] DNS类型中的 dhcp 类型能否支持使用接口名?
#1620 opened by refined-fish - 0
[Bug] delay问题
#1618 opened by memory9596 - 0
[Bug] 下级路由识别成nat3,我软路由后面接了京东无线宝,有老哥知道怎么变成nat1吗?
#1619 opened by wyUshio - 2
[Bug] 设置了tunnels和dialer-proxy 均不生效
#1616 opened by hanyaxxx - 0
- 0
[Feature] dialer-proxy 可以让支持 Trojan 协议吗
#1613 opened by hanyaxxx - 0
[Feature] Can it support ECH, or TLS segment SNI?
#1612 opened by dontseeback - 5
[Bug] Mixed堆栈对TCP/UDP的区分可能造成一些应用运行在预期外
#1607 opened by NV3S - 1
[Bug] Abnormal network speed in TUN mode / TUN模式下网速异常
#1606 opened by infrost - 1
[Not a bug technically] tun模式无法完全控制qbittorrent的路由,需要手动设置后者
#1605 opened by Aniark - 0
[Feature] [请教] 端口可以搭配ip或者domain使用吗?
#1604 opened by lovitus - 0
[Bug] error too many open streams
#1603 opened by skill7899