对新手比较好用的 Java JDK 11 版本
blueokanna opened this issue · 0 comments
blueokanna commented
这边其实我使用官方的 SDK 感觉不太好用,我自己也写了一个个人认为好用的 SDK, 是基于 JDK 11 版本的。当然和小傅哥版本不一样,我不使用 Springboot, 用简单的 Maven 就可以实现,目前也是支持三种请求方式,同时也支持到 ChatGLM-4 的版本,默认是有角色扮演的 prompt,最后还是得感谢一下智谱官方的这个项目 😆
首先是 Github 地址: ChatGLM-Java-SDK | Blueokanna
下面是使用关于我的ChatGLM-4 Java SDK不同请求的示例代码:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String apiKeyss = loadApiKey(); //load api key if exist
if (apiKeyss == null) { //if api key is not exist create txt file to store key in local file
System.out.println("Enter your API key:");
apiKeyss = scanner.nextLine();
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
String userInput = scanner.nextLine();
ChatClient chats = new ChatClient(apiKeyss); //Initial ChatClient (Instantiation)
chats.registerShutdownHook(); //Delete History File for Your Chatting
chats.AsyncInvoke(userInput); //Assign the question you entered to the synchronised request
System.out.print(chats.getResponseMessage()); //Print out ChatGLM's response
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String apiKeyss = loadApiKey(); //load api key if exist
if (apiKeyss == null) { //if api key is not exist create txt file to store key in local file
System.out.println("Enter your API key:");
apiKeyss = scanner.nextLine();
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
String userInput = scanner.nextLine();
ChatClient chats = new ChatClient(apiKeyss); //Initial ChatClient (Instantiation)
chats.registerShutdownHook(); //Delete History File for Your Chatting
chats.SSEInvoke(userInput); //Assign the question you entered to the synchronised request
System.out.print(chats.getResponseMessage()); //Print out ChatGLM's response
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
String apiKeyss = loadApiKey(); //load api key if exist
if (apiKeyss == null) { //if api key is not exist create txt file to store key in local file
System.out.println("Enter your API key:");
apiKeyss = scanner.nextLine();
while (scanner.hasNext()) {
String userInput = scanner.nextLine();
ChatClient chats = new ChatClient(apiKeyss); //Initial ChatClient (Instantiation)
chats.registerShutdownHook(); //Delete History File for Your Chatting
chats.SyncInvoke(userInput); //Assign the question you entered to the synchronised request
System.out.print(chats.getResponseMessage()); //Print out ChatGLM's response
更多详情可以点击链接去我的项目了解:ChatGLM-Java-SDK | v0.1.1- Beta
基于 Rust 语言的 SDK:RustGLM | v0.1.2
欢迎大家来 fork 我的项目或者分享我的项目,在这里先谢谢各位,如果有什么使用上的 bug 可以在项目的 issue 发起,我这边会尽可能修复,最后不介意的话也可以给我的项目点个⭐️ ( ̄▽ ̄)~■干杯