
Shared UI Component Library POCs

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This epic encompasses the creation and analysis of three proof-of-concept (POC) implementations for a shared UI component library. The goal is to evaluate the feasibility, benefits, and potential challenges of each approach.

POC 1: Tailwind with Radix

  • Description: This POC will explore the use of Tailwind CSS framework in conjunction with the Radix UI component library.
  • Tasks:
    • Set up a project using Tailwind and Radix.
    • Implement a set of sample components.
    • Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.

POC 2: Test POC without Tailwind in Extension

  • Description: This POC will test the implementation of the shared UI component library in the extension without using Tailwind.
  • Tasks:
    • Set up a project without Tailwind.
    • Implement the same set of sample components as in POC 1.
    • Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.

POC 3: Chakra/CSS-in-JS Version

  • Description: This POC will explore the use of the Chakra UI library and CSS-in-JS for styling.
  • Tasks:
    • Set up a project using Chakra UI and CSS-in-JS.
    • Implement the same set of sample components as in POC 1.
    • Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.

POC 4: Tamagui

  • Description: This POC will explore the use of the Tamagui UI library.
  • Tasks:
    • Set up a project using Tamagui.
    • Implement the same set of sample components as in POC 1.
    • Evaluate the ease of use, performance, and compatibility.

Each POC will be followed by an analysis phase, where we'll document our findings and make recommendations for the next steps.