
decryptor giving some numbers instead of seed phrase

sphynixdc opened this issue · 10 comments

long story short, I am trying to decrypt a metamask vault from a brave browser file.

I have the {"data":"... string and the decryptor works with my password, but it does not give me my mnemonic phrase, rather it gives a bunch of small numbers (lower than 200) separated by ,

this is my output (numbers changed):
[{"type":"HD Key Tree","data":{"mnemonic":[108,97,110,115,145,111,110,35,108,111,98,115,116,101,114,32,102,101,129,32,102,114,111,103,32,99,104,111,105,99,101,32,98,97,99,104,111,108,111,114,32,112,97,116,99,104,32,119,117,115,116,32,112,97,112,101,114,32,185,115,111,108,97,116,101,42,107,112,105,115,111,100,101,32,97,117,116,118,179,110],"numberOfAccounts":1,"hdPath":"m/44'/60'/0'/0"}},{"type":"Ledger Hardware","data":{"hdPath":"m/44'/60'/0'","accounts":[],"accountDetails":{},"bridgeUrl":"","implementFullBIP44":false}}]

We recently made a small change to how data is stored in the vault, and it seems we haven't updated the vault decryptor to match. The fix here should be easy to make. I'll take a look at this soon!

Hi, any news about it? I desperately need this to recover my account. Good to see that you guys already know about this issue.

We recently made a small change to how data is stored in the vault, and it seems we haven't updated the vault decryptor to match. The fix here should be easy to make. I'll take a look at this soon!

I'm also waiting for it. Would be awesome if it could get fixed soon.

So when is this going to be updated then?

@mcmire what do the numbers correspond to though?

@negati-ve The numbers are the Unicode byte identifiers for each character in the SRP.

@mcmire Thank you. I've got 2 vaults and both are the same account and have the same 12 seed phrases, is it right?

@foulerr Not sure! Is it right to you?

By the way this issue should be fixed. Please let us know if you see any more issues!

Works like a charm!
Thanks @mcmire 🔥