
Linker error with IAR

MartinDetech opened this issue · 5 comments

When I tried to build the project in IAR Embedded Workbench IDE for MSP430 Version 5.40.7 I get the following two linker errors:

Error[e46]: Undefined external "SetFirstContact" referred in Wrapper ( E:\MT project\P00155_EU_PROJECT\MetaWatch_firmware\MetaWatchVersion3160\Stack\Api\IAR\Stack.r43 )

Error[e46]: Undefined external "ClearFirstContact" referred in Wrapper ( E:\MT project\P00155_EU_PROJECT\MetaWatch_firmware\MetaWatchVersion3160\Stack\Api\IAR\Stack.r43 )

I used this versions

Just updated the wrapper library Stack.r43 for IAR build. Please try again.

It complied :) Thank you.

Not a big issue for me, more a thing to add
In the CCS version if you try to build it when the hardware configuration is set to Duo (Build Configureation ->Set Active->Duo) there is no Wrapper-duo.lib
error #10008-D: cannot find file "C:/Users/mt/Dropbox/MT

If I want to use the Bluetooth stack 2.1 for a digital watch under CCS which hardware configuration should I use?

Now the duo.lib is there.

If you want to use watch with iPhone 4s (BLE), you use BLE configuration.
If you want to connect with Android (BR/EDR), you use SPP configuration.


I have the same problem:

I am trying to compile the solution:

Error[e46]: Undefined external "SetupMessageAndAllocateBuffer" referred in HCI ( C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\metawatch\MetaWatch-Gen2-master\MetaWatch-Gen2-master\Stack\Api\IAR\wrapper.r43 )
Error[e46]: Undefined external "EnableFlowControl" referred in MSP430FlashUtil ( C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Bureau\metawatch\MetaWatch-Gen2-master\MetaWatch-Gen2-master\Watch\Project\Gen2\Obj\MSP430FlashUtil.r43 )

Where I can find "Stack.r43" for IAR build in order to update it. the path in the project is clear "$PROJDIR$\Stack\Api\IAR"

you can review in project option-->output select library. and optimization select level high.