
Downloaded file from collection

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iehdk commented

It eludes my how to download a file stored server side. Here I use HTTP.get, but the file content is a bunch of javascript text and not CSV data as expected. I suspect the problem is that I download the file immediately after uploading it, and that it is not completely stored. If I inspect the files on the server manually they are fine.

/* globals Meteor HTTP */

import { withTracker } from 'meteor/react-meteor-data';
import NavBar from '../../client/components/navbar.component';
import Files from '../../imports/api/files.collection';

const fileSubscription = () => {
  const filesSub = Meteor.subscribe('allFiles');

  return {
    filesReady: filesSub.ready(),
    fileUpload: (file, callback) => {
      Files.insert(file, callback);
    fileDownload: (url, callback) => {
      HTTP.get(url, callback);
    files: Files.find({}, {
      sort: { uploadedAt: -1 }, // FIXME

export default NavBarContainer = withTracker(fileSubscription)(NavBar);