Closed this issue · 3 comments
Hi community!
I have found the moment-recur library very useful and decided to do a meteor integration. I have (forked)[] the library and followed the (instructions)[]. I currently published under my account. Anything to do to proceed?
Hi @gilbertwat,
this seems a good package to be published as momentjs:recur
Recently we have investigated the use of which is prooving very effective!
Lets have a look at the wiki
Could you please open an issue about this integration here so we can then proceed forward?
I've just seen your PR to get an official integration.
From the previous attempts we had, I'd say it's not a good idea to ask maintainers to install/run meteor on their machines.
We'd better do something on the lines of the successful integrations
Starting with Meteor 1.3, 3rd party libraries can be used directly from npmjs.