
Contents 在哪里可以找得到?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

@Mewnojs 不好意思,我的中文不是那么好。我在哪里可以找得到 Contents?

Good question. The Contents cannot be included in the repo because of direct violation against visual arts & music copyrights.
We are considering to add a new function to extract resources from an original XAP file, just like how PokeMMO works.
As for now, you can manually do this, and here is the directory structure of a working Content folder:

├ fonts
│ └ ...
├ images
│ └ ...
├ music*
│ └ ...
├ particles
│ └ ...
├ reanim
│ └ ...
├ sounds**
│ └ ...
├ Font.xnb
├ LawnStrings_xx.txt(5)***
├ resources.xml
└ todresources.xml

*wma music not compatible with PCGL & Android. For those versions, you need to convert them into vorbis format, and change some bytes in their respective .xnb files. Hint: these .xnb files actually behave like indices.
**sounds will not work if you replace MonoGame with FNA, as they are in some proprietary XACT format.
***xx refers to locale code, en for example.