
Simple authentication for Python on Google App Engine supporting OAuth 2.0, OAuth 1.0(a) and OpenID. Mirror of http://code.google.com/p/gae-simpleauth/

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

This python module provides a simple authentication wrapper for a Google App Engine app.

Supported specs:

  • OAuth 2.0
  • OAuth 1.0(a)
  • OpenID

Supported providers out of the box:

  • Google (OAuth 2.0)
  • Facebook (OAuth 2.0)
  • Windows Live (OAuth 2.0)
  • foursquare (OAuth 2.0)
  • Twitter (OAuth 1.0a)
  • LinkedIn (OAuth 1.0a, deprecated)
  • LinkedIn (OAuth 2.0)
  • OpenID, using App Engine users module API


  • python-oauth2. This is actually a library implementing OAuth 1.0 specs.
  • httplib2 (as a dependency of python-oauth2)



  1. Clone the source repo and place simpleauth module into your app root or a sub dir. If you do the latter don't forget to add it to your sys.path.

  2. Get oauth2 lib (e.g. pip install oauth2 or clone the repo) and copy it over to your app root or a sub dir.

  3. Get httplib2 and again, copy it to your app root.


  1. Create a request handler by subclassing SimpleAuthHandler, e.g.

    class AuthHandler(SomeBaseRequestHandler, SimpleAuthHandler):
      """Authentication handler for all kinds of auth."""
      def _on_signin(self, data, auth_info, provider):
      """Callback whenever a new or existing user is logging in.
      data is a user info dictionary.
      auth_info contains access token or oauth token and secret.
      See what's in it with logging.info(data, auth_info)
      auth_id = '%s:%s' % (provider, data['id'])
      # Possible flow:
      # 1. check whether user exist, e.g.
      #    User.get_by_auth_id(auth_id)
      # 2. create a new user if it doesn't
      #    User(**data).put()
      # 3. sign in the user
      #    self.session['_user_id'] = auth_id
      # 4. redirect somewhere, e.g. self.redirect('/profile')
      # See more on how to work the above steps here:
      # http://webapp-improved.appspot.com/api/webapp2_extras/auth.html
      # http://code.google.com/p/webapp-improved/issues/detail?id=20
      def logout(self):
      def _callback_uri_for(self, provider):
        return self.uri_for('auth_callback', provider=provider, _full=True)
      def _get_consumer_info_for(self, provider):
        """Should return a tuple (key, secret) for auth init requests.
        For OAuth 2.0 you should also return a scope, e.g.
        ('my app id', 'my app secret', 'email,user_about_me')
        The scope depends solely on the provider.
        See example/secrets.py.template
        return secrets.AUTH_CONFIG[provider]

    Note that SimpleAuthHandler isn't a real request handler. It's up to you. For instance, SomeBaseRequestHandler could be webapp2.RequestHandler.

  2. Add routing so that /auth/<PROVIDER>, /auth/<PROVIDER>/callback and /logout requests go to your AuthHandler.

    For instance, in webapp2 you could do:

    # Map URLs to handlers
    routes = [
        handler='handlers.AuthHandler:_simple_auth', name='auth_login'),
        handler='handlers.AuthHandler:_auth_callback', name='auth_callback'),
        handler='handlers.AuthHandler:logout', name='logout')
  3. That's it. See a sample app in the example dir. To run the example app, copy example/secrets.py.template into example/secrets.py, modify accordingly and start the app locally by executing dev_appserver.py example/

## OAuth scopes, keys and secrets

This section is just a bunch of links to the docs on authentication with various providers.


Multiple scopes should be space-separated, e.g. https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email

Multiple callback URLs on different domains are awesomely supported. If you're running two versions of the app, say one on localhost and another on example.org, simply add all of the callbacks including host, port and protocol to Redirect URIs list on API Access tab.


Multiple Scopes should be comma-separated, e.g. user_about_me,email.

Full list of scopes: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/

Multiple callback URLs on different domains are not supported by a single app registration. If you need to test your app on say, localhost and example.org, you should probably register two different applications and use the appropriate set of key/secret: one for localhost, and the other for example.org.

Also, there's a Sandbox Mode checkbox on Facebook's app settings page. Make sure it's disabled for a public/live website. Otherwise, almost nobody except you will be able to authenticate.

LinkedIn OAuth 2.0

Scopes are space-separated, e.g. r_fullprofile r_emailaddress r_network.

See Member Permissions section for more details: https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication#granting

Windows Live

Scopes are space-separated, e.g. wl.signin wl.basic.

Full list of scopes: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/live/hh243646.aspx

Multiple callback URLs on different domains are not supported by a single app registration. If you need to test your app on say, localhost and example.org, you should probably register two different applications and use the appropriate set of key/secret: one for localhost, and the other for example.org.

LinkedIn OAuth 1.0a (deprecated)

Scopes are not supported. This is OAuth 1.0a.

Even though LinkedIn will not give you any error about improper callback URI, it'll always use the value set in app's settings page. So, if you have two versions, say one on localhost and another on example.org, you'll probably want to register two applications (e.g. dev and production) and use appropriate set of key/secret accordingly.


Scopes are not supported. This is OAuth 1.0a.

When registering a new app, you have to specify a callback URL. Otherwise, it is considered as an off-band app and users will be given a PIN code instead of being redirected back to your site.

Even though Twitter will not give you any error about improper callback URI, it'll always use the value set in app's settings page. So, if you have two versions, say one on localhost and another on example.org, you'll probably want to register two applications (e.g. dev and production) and use appropriate set of key/secret accordingly.


For OpenID to work you'll need to set AuthenticationType to FederatedLogin in App Engines application settings. Beware of this issue if you enable FederatedLogin.

CSRF protection

You can optionally enable cross-site-request-forgery protection for OAuth 2.0:

class AuthHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler, SimpleAuthHandler):

  # enabled CSRF state token for OAuth 2.0

  # ...
  # rest of the stuff from step 4 of the above.

This will use the optional OAuth 2.0 state param to guard against CSRFs by setting a user session token during Authorization step and comparing it against the state parameter on callback.

For this to work your handler has to have a session dict-like object on the instance. Here's an example using webapp2_extras session:

import webapp2
from webapp2_extras import sessions

class AuthHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler, SimpleAuthHandler):
  # enabled CSRF state token for OAuth 2.0

  def session(self):
    """Returns a session using the default cookie key"""
    return self.session_store.get_session()

  def dispatch(self):
    # Get a session store for this request.
    self.session_store = sessions.get_store(request=self.request)
      # Dispatch the request.
      # Save all sessions.

  # ...
  # the rest of the stuff from step 1 of Usage example.

This simple implementation assumes it is safe to use user sessions. If, however, user's session can be hijacked, the authentication flow could probably be bypassed anyway and this CSRF protection becomes the least of the problems.

Alternative implementation could involve HMAC digest. If anything serious pops up (e.g. see this SO question) please submit a bug on the issue tracker.

Catching errors

There are a couple ways to catch authentication errors if you don't want your app to display a Server Error message when something goes wrong during an auth flow.

You can use webapp2's built-in functionality and define handle_exception(self, exception, debug) instance method on the handler that processes authentication requests or on a base handler if you have one. Here's a simple example:

class AuthHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler, SimpleAuthHandler):
  # _on_signin() and other stuff
  # ...

  def handle_exception(self, exception, debug):
    # Log the error
    # Do something based on the exception: notify users, etc.

You can also define global (app-wise) error handlers using app.error_handlers dict (where app is a webapp2.WSGIApplication instance).

Another solution is, if you're using webapp2's dispatch method like in the CSRF snippet above, you could do something like this:

  from simpleauth import Error as AuthError

  def dispatch(self):
      # Dispatch the request.
    except AuthError as e:
      # Do something based on the error: notify users, etc.

Alternatively, you can also use App Engine built-in functionality and define error handlers in app.yaml as described in Custom Error Responses.

Lastly, if nothing from the above works for you, override _simple_auth() and/or _auth_callback() methods. For instance:

from simpleauth import SimpleAuthHandler
from simpleauth import Error as AuthError

class AuthHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler, SimpleAuthHandler):
  def _simple_auth(self, provider=None):
      super(AuthHandler, self)._simple_auth(provider)
    except AuthError as e:
      # Do something based on the error: notify users, etc.


Submit a pull request or better yet, use Rietveld at codereview.appspot.com.

There are so many people contributed to this project (which is awesome!) but I seemed to have lost track of some of them to put a complete and up-to-date list. Though I try keeping all commits with their authors intact, or just mention people in commit messages.

If you want to be mentioned here please do send me an email!