
Universal Boot Sequence makes everything old

chris-y opened this issue · 1 comments

This is really confusing me. I have the Universal Boot Sequence from http://www.riscos.com/ftp_space/310/index.htm (the small version, I have tried others and they all do the same thing, including one that is definitely working correctly on an ArcEm install), and a RISC OS 3.11 ROM.

Without Universal Boot installed the results are as expected - just the basic ROM apps from 1992:
Contents of ROM Apps:
Version of !Configure:

With Universal Boot everything goes a bit weird. Apps contains things I'd expect to see intermingled with things I don't think are supposed to be there:
The !Configure icon is not one I recognise. Loading it up it's clearly very basic and the version reports as:

Given the ROM is from 1992, and the Universal Boot is from later than that (and doesn't contain any version of !Configure), where is it getting ancient apps from 1988 from?! The boot sequence is clearly working as it has changed to the NewLook window borders, and it has added !SciCalc which I can see inside !Boot and reports as being from 1994. If I run *Help !Configure it reports as being 1.41 from 1992, despite the desktop app being 0.21 from 1988.

This appears to be impossible!

For comparison, this is ArcEm with Universal Boot, so this is what I'd expect to see (some extra apps, the original ones still the 1992 versions):

OK, I figured out what was going on here. Apparently (and I didn't know RISC OS/Universal Boot did this) if there's an Apps directory on the hard disc, the contents of it will end up in the ROM Apps on the iconbar.
At one point I'd dumped an Apps directory on my hard disc containing the contents of what I thought was a RISC OS 3 disc. I hadn't looked at it properly, but examining it now I see everything is from 1988 - somehow an old RISC OS Apps disc image had got mixed up with the RISC OS 3 one I'd downloaded.
I've deleted it and everything is now as expected - but the contents of the Apps directory in root ending up in ROM Apps is worth knowing about!