
Joystick Gets Stuck: Xenon II (all other games seem fine)

zompiexx opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I've discovered a small problem when using a Joystick with the core. The Button/Key mapping works fine and for almost all games I have tested it with I've not experienced any problems, except for one - Xenon II.

For some reason, when playing Xenon II with a Joystick, the controls get stuck in one direction. Moving the controls back and forth will eventually resume gameplay, but by then it's game over.

I'm sure you have much more important requests to look at, but if you get a few mins, please could you see if there is a fix to be had.

NOTE: I've tested the exact same version of the game (same ADF) on physical hardware (A3020) and it works fine with a games pro controller. I've also tested it on Arculator v2.0 on Linux and Windows and that's fine too.

Thanks in advance,
