
Using hardcore mode will break cp ../../ with ohmyzsh directory aliases

Opened this issue · 6 comments

eigan commented


This bug is encountered because of an alias built-in to oh-my-zsh. Using cp ... does not work.

How to reproduce

Test directory:

├── file
└── start
    └── level
        └── level



Commands to execute

$ cd start/level/level
$ cp ../../../file.txt .
Found existing global alias for "../..". You should use: "..."
Found existing global alias for "../../..". You should use: "...."
You Should Use hardcore mode enabled. Use your aliases!
$  cp ..../file.txt .
cp: cannot stat '..../file.txt': No such file or directory
cp .../../file.txt .
Found existing global alias for "../..". You should use: "..."
You Should Use hardcore mode enabled. Use your aliases!

The aliases for "..." is defined here: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/lib/directories.zsh

I'm not entirely certain what the bug is from reading this bug report.

Could you give an example of expected behaviour and actual behaviour? I think the bug is that cp .../../file.txt should be suggested as ..../file.txt but I'm not entirely sure

eigan commented

Sorry, should have made it more clear. This plugin suggest to rewrite the command ( cp ../../../file.txt ) to something that does not work ( cp ..../file.txt . )

It correctly says that .... is an alias, but it cannot be used with cp (as seen in example: (cannot stat ..../file.txt etc))

This could be a bug with oh-my-zsh, I am not sure..

ah. Why does .... exist as an alias if it doesn't work?

eigan commented

The aliases for "..." is defined here: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/lib/directories.zsh

It is sourced here: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/blob/master/oh-my-zsh.sh#L31

The aliases are checked in _check_global_aliases().

This code on line 71:. if [[ "$1" = *"$v"* ]]; then will match any commands containing the alias defined. So the alias ...='../..' will match when I type cp ../../ and zsh-you-should-use will complain that I am not using this alias.

Note that whatever command I type which include ../.., zsh-you-should-use will complain:

$ ls ../../
Found existing global alias for "../..". You should use: "..."
You Should Use hardcore mode enabled. Use your aliases!

Edit, using ls ... actually works, so this was a bad example. But mv .../file.txt . does not.

I have solved it by doing this:

@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ function _check_global_aliases() {
     # Need to remove leading and trailing ' if they exist
-    if [[ "$1" = *"$v"* ]]; then
+    if [[ "$1" = "$v"* ]]; then
       ysu_global_message "$v" "$k"

eigan commented

ah. Why does .... exist as an alias if it doesn't work?

It does work.

$ pwd
$ ....
$ pwd
eigan commented


$ ls ...

This command actually works. But cp .../file.txt, mv .../file.txt etc does not.

Edit: Sorry for all the spamming :|