
Alternative description

MichaelCurrin opened this issue · 1 comments

A JS package built on Vue for building a docs site using a base index.html, a configured theme and all your pages as markdown files.

Docsify works great on GH Pages. It is an alternative to Jekyll though - you have to set a .nojekyll value to prevent the site rendering through Jekyll (same as if you have a React site built to a gh-pages branch using a build step, though Docsify doesn't need have a build step)

It supports some advanced things but generally I find I get a professional docs site than out writing any includes or layouts like one has to in Jekyll. (Yes you can use a theme in a Jekyll but I think every time I switch a theme something breaks or needs installing or configuring, docsify has 4 themes but it is only one line change to switch between them).

it is accessible as it doesn't need Ruby or Jekyll and you don't even need a local install step. Docsify gets fetched in the browser.