Columns with a custom type (citext) referencing the wrong schema
alaister opened this issue · 4 comments
alaister commented
Hey Michael,
Thanks for fixing the last bug. Found another small one:
With the following SQL:
create extension citext schema extensions;
create table public.example (
id uuid not null primary key default gen_random_uuid(),
name extensions.citext not null
The definition is showing as:
create table public.example (
id uuid not null default gen_random_uuid (),
name public.citext not null,
constraint example_pk primary key (id)
) tablespace pg_default;
As you can see, the definition should show the type of name
as extensions.citext
, but it's showing as public.citext
MichaelDBA commented
@alaister Finally got around to fixing this. Please test and validate. Thanks.
MichaelDBA commented
Curious, exactly how does pg_get_tabledef fit into supabase? clone table?
alaister commented
MichaelDBA commented