
Provide a pre+post hooks (and conditions).

ludwik opened this issue · 6 comments

This is a feature request where by "pre and post" hook is created as one item. This way we could log out or act on a function based on the values is consumed AND generated. This seems to be not possible right now.


(defn addme [x y]  (+ x y))

(with-pre-post-hook! #'addme
   (fn [result x y] (println "x:" x " added to y: " y " gave the result " result ))

(addme 1 2)     => "x: 1 added to y: 2 gave the result 3"

I think this could be great for debugging, without polluting the function implementations.



@ludwik Interesting idea. Would night-vision help for now?

Considering implementation. I'll let you know soon. :)


Night-vision feels like the light weight repl use case. This being in dire feels like it could be used in production to embed optional debug logging, without code alterations, which is v cool.

Yeah, I like this. I'll try to get it out by the end of this week.

Really busy this week. Might be able to get to it next week. Patch would be stellar, too. ;)

Fixed in #28.