
attaching handler to a vector of fns

murtaza52 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Michael,

I have a bunch of api fn's to which I need to attach the handler.

Below - a and b- are fns.

(def ec2-calls [#'a, #'b ....])

(doseq [call ec2-calls]
  (with-handler! call
    (fn [e & args]
      (throw+ {:msg "Exception while making a call to AWS."
               :aws-fn 'call
               :args (print-str args)
               :error (print-str e)}))))

However I cant get the above to evaluate. Can you help ?


Hey there,

With 0.5.3, I ran the following: https://gist.github.com/MichaelDrogalis/698c4468185798e76ee2

Can you ensure that you see the same?

Closing for now. Reopen if you're still stuck.