
Raylib Text Kerning Library

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Raylib Text Kerning Library

This library provides text kerning capability to raylib. This greatly improves readability of non-monospace text.

Here is a screenshot with some lines drawn over to make the kerning more obvious (this is taken from the examples in this repo):

kerned text

Here is what native raylib looks like:

kerned text

It is definitely slower than drawing non-kerned text, but if your game uses a lot of text this could be useful. I have done some work trying to improve the performance, mostly by indexing the font by font size with pre-rendered bitmaps. See the example folder for usage.

In my experience, this results in a better rendering of the font than the current SDL TTF library.

Note that stb_truetype.h and raylib.h are included here for convenience. You should probably grab the latest versions of those, and you will also need to compile the raylib library to use this.


raylib graphics library

Thank you to the stb-truetype-example repo for helping me understand how to use the core STBTT library.