
Country Switzerland (CH) Cellular phone Number wrong auto format

lauriolasw opened this issue · 1 comments


The correct format for Cellular Numbers in Switzerland is: +41 pp nnn nn nn
The Auto Formatter require an Extra zero (0) in the pp +41 0pp nnn nnnn

+41 78 123 45 67 << GOOD
+41 078 123 45 67 << WRONG (as it is now)

I've tried to fix that via PhoneNumberMetadataProto_CH in assets/io/michaelrocks/libphonenumber/android/data
but without success :-(

Thanks for helping !!

Hi @lauriolasw,

Thank you for reporting the issue. Unfortunately, it's an Android port of the original libphonenumber, which means I don't fix bugs in metadata. You should report this issue to the Google's repo.