
.near() and .where() are not compatible

BryanEnid opened this issue · 4 comments

[REQUIRED] Describe your environment

  • Operating System Version: Windows 10
  • Browser version: React Native
  • Firebase library (firebase, firebase-admin, etc...) and version: firebase 7.9.0
  • GeoFirestore version: 4.3.0

[REQUIRED] Describe the problem

GeoQuery Instance was returned but it cannot get the provided data from firestore

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a firestore document with a status and a coordinate
   status: "active",
   coordinates: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(33.9275167, -84.2741967),
  1. Then try to query it like so:
let query = geoCollection
    .near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(33.9275167, -84.2741967), radius: 1000 })
    .where("status", "==", "active");

Relevant Code

This works:

let query = geoCollection.near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(latitude, longitude), radius: radius })

Also this:

let query = geoCollection.where("status", "==", "active");

But not together:

let query = geoCollection
    .near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(33.9275167, -84.2741967), radius: 1000 })
    .where("status", "==", "active");

// backwards either
let query = geoCollection
    .where("status", "==", "active");
    .near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(33.9275167, -84.2741967), radius: 1000 })

Do you use the get method or the onSnapshot listener? Either way I'm thinking that the database isn't indexed to support this and the error isn't surfacing. Can you try a catch statement if you're using get or a error handler function for onSnpashot?

Hey, thanks for replying back. I have used onSnapshot. There is no error whatsoever. It's just that it doesn't do the query as specified. It doesn't get the data back.

    const firestore = firebase.firestore(); 
    const GeoFirestore = geofirestore.initializeApp(firestore); 
    const geoCollection = GeoFirestore.collection("restaurants"); 

    // Queries NOT WORKING when using both at the same time
    let query = geoCollection
      .near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(latitude, longitude), radius: radius })
      .where("status", "==", "active");

    const unsubscribe = query.onSnapshot((res) => 
      res.docChanges().forEach((change) => {
        switch (change.type) {
          case "added":
            console.log(change.doc.data()); // I"M NOT GETTING DATA and there is no error.
            return addJob(change.doc.id, change.doc.data());
          case "modified":
            return updateJob(change.doc.id, change.doc.data());
          case "removed":
            return removeJob(change.doc.id);

But if I do this instead:

    const firestore = firebase.firestore(); // Create a Firestore reference
    const GeoFirestore = geofirestore.initializeApp(firestore); // Create a GeoFirestore reference
    const geoCollection = GeoFirestore.collection("restaurants"); // Create a GeoCollection reference

    // =========================================================
    let query = geoCollection
      // .near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(latitude, longitude), radius: radius })
      .where("status", "==", "active"); 

    // OR 

    let query = geoCollection
      .near({ center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(latitude, longitude), radius: radius });
      // .where("status", "==", "active")
   // ==========================================================

    const unsubscribe = query.onSnapshot((res) => 
      res.docChanges().forEach((change) => {
        switch (change.type) {
          case "added":
            console.log(change.doc.data()); // I DO GET THE DATA   <------------------------------------
            return addJob(change.doc.id, change.doc.data());
          case "modified":
            return updateJob(change.doc.id, change.doc.data());
          case "removed":
            return removeJob(change.doc.id);

Here is the structure of firebase:

Hey @BryanEnid I hope you're closing the issue because you were able to resolve the issue, out of curiosity what was the solution?

Hey, @MichaelSolati. Yeah, I could solve It. It was all my fault. First of all, thanks for helping me out and giving maintenance to such a great tool.

I had to create an Index in the Firestore Console to be able to use where() and near() together. I found this when I actually tried to console log doc.data() with the get() method and I got a response with the next log:


[FirebaseError: The query requires an index. You can create it here: (SOME URL)]

But one thing is certain, I didn't get this message with the onSnapshot response.