
Rego tests for Kubernetes resource manifests

Primary LanguageOpen Policy Agent

Rego-based Audit for AWS Terraform and Kubernetes Resources

Examples of warnings generated by the policies in the policy folder:

WARN - Found service my-service of type LoadBalancer
WARN - The HTTPProxy server is a top-level proxy for server.fake-example.com
WARN - Secret short-secret is unsealed
WARN - Secret multi-short-secret has short secret data for key(s) ["password"]
FAIL - The PersistentVolume data-nfs-server-provisioner-0 is mounting a hostpath
FAIL - The Pod task-pv-pod is mounting a hostpath
FAIL - bad-deployment must include Kubernetes recommended labels: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/common-labels/#labels 
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment ubuntu has an image, bad-deployment, using the latest tag
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment bad-deployment does not have a memory limit set
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment bad-deployment does not have a CPU limit set
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment bad-deployment doesn't drop all capabilities
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment bad-deployment is privileged
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment bad-deployment is not using a read only root filesystem
FAIL - bad-deployment in the Deployment bad-deployment is running as root
FAIL - bad-job in the Job bad-job does not have a memory limit set
FAIL - non-compliant-daemonset in the DaemonSet non-compliant-daemonset does not have a memory limit set
FAIL - The Deployment bad-deployment is connected to the host network
FAIL - The Deployment bad-deployment is sharing the host PID
FAIL - The Deployment bad-deployment is mounting a hostpath
FAIL - Containers must not run as root in Deployment bad-deployment
FAIL - Deployment bad-deployment must provide app/release labels for pod selectors

Examples of warnings generated by the policies in the policy-aws-terraform folder:

FAIL - plan.json - regula: Rule custom_tags failed for resource module.vpc.aws_route_table.intra[0]: Missing required tag {"Owner"}