
Parsing the json to get the picture in the Readme?

Closed this issue · 7 comments


Thanks for this code but how can I parse the json to get it displayed like you showed in the picture?


Hi Jordan,

Thank you very much for submitting an issue!

First, you need to create your input json. I named this input_json.

Second, you need to generate the layout: var layout = generateLayout(input_json);

Then, you can access the output json with layout.result. The output json has startx, starty, position, and orientation attached to every entry from input_json.

Also, you can access a plain text grid (with html line breaks) with layout.table_string.

Ultimately, this library just computes the json data and can draw the grid in plain text. It's up to the you to build your own UI.

I built a crossword UI for someone a couple years ago. I'm reaching out to them to see if they might be willing to make it open source. No promises, but it's worth a try.

If you would like help building a crossword UI, I would be happy to talk with you about this directly.

I hope that you have a great day!


Thank you very much for asking a good question!

Please feel free to contact me if you decide to move forward with building it. :)

I reach out to them asking if we could possibly make the crossword UI that I previously worked on open source. I'll let you know if I ever hear back from them.

Hope that you have a nice weekend!

@MichaelWehar very cool project, any hopes of that crossword UI becoming open source?
Thanks for offering this!

Thank you very much for your kind message @TidyData !

My student and I actually built a different crossword puzzle generator together. It requires large word lists though.

See here: https://www.crosswordconstruction.com

Maybe we can make this open source at some point.

I hope that you have a great day!