Test suite failure from Stackage build server
Closed this issue · 1 comments
snoyberg commented
The likely answer to this is WONTFIX and closing, but I wanted to report anyway. On the Stackage build server, we're now getting a test suite failure:
1) write writes a quad to Cayley server
expected: Just (Object (fromList [("result",String "Successfully wrote 1 quads.")]))
but got: Just (Object (fromList [("error",String "FailedConnectionException2 \"localhost\" 64210 False connect: does not exist (Connection refused)")]))
2) query query Cayley server
uncaught exception: IOException of type UserError (user error (Pattern match failure in do expression at tests/hspec.hs:20:13-19))
3) shape returns the description of the last query executed
expected: Success (Shape {nodes = [Node {id = 4, tags = Nothing, values = Just ["sandy"], isLinkNode = False, isFixed = True},Node {id = 8, tags = Nothing, values = Just ["follows"], isLinkNode = False, isFixed = True},Node {id = 2, tags = Nothing, values = Nothing, isLinkNode = True, isFixed = False},Node {id = 1, tags = Just ["id"], values = Nothing, isLinkNode = False, isFixed = False}], links = [Link {source = 1, target = 4, linkNode = 2}]})
but got: Error "key \"nodes\" not present"
4) writeNQuadFile writes quads from a file to Cayley server
expected: Right 15
but got: Left "FailedConnectionException2 \"localhost\" 64210 False connect: does not exist (Connection refused)"
Randomized with seed 1049168555
Finished in 0.0034 seconds
4 examples, 4 failures
Presumably this is because we don't have a local server running. For now, I'm going to mark this test suite as an expected failure.
MichelBoucey commented
Exactly. Thanks.