A python tool to automatically rename the pdf files of scientific publications by looking up the publication metadata on the web.
- vaanloal
- manikmayur
- Unathi-Skosana/dev/null
- izumis007
- DivaythFyrM
- WoratheartyThailand
- thomaeGermany
- cimadureCanada
- lucky31lucky31
- ntvthuyenSingapore
- nhtlongcsDublin, Ireland
- ArturDominguesBrazil
- danhlethSingapore
- h-dashti
- AlessandroCotrufo
- famishedroverTempe, Arizona
- vjvelascoriosMéxico
- knappaWashington, DC
- Waiyaki-NNairobi, Kenya
- zhehao-nkd
- 1Dbcj
- weiqiji
- jiaweiru
- ameliesc
- markusfalkenhagen
- MatthewTarling
- js4561207
- FlippingDog
- cossio
- alexanderwallerus
- cgiosySouth Korea
- SirMottiColombia
- hectormzLos Angeles, CA
- linne98
- Divyoj-SinghSanta Barbara
- justinfmccarty