
Feature Request: View and set assignments

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  • Micke, first of all thanks for releasing and maintaining this awesome tool which is a must-have in any Intune engineer toolkit *

Since Microsoft Intune currently lacks insight in what settings are assigned from the global overview, why not build it into this solution and make it even more valuable, view assignments, search assignments etc..

Second, it would also be nice to be able to set an assignment on multiple items at once, something the Intune Console also lacks, where we can for example decide to either "edit" or "overwrite" the current assignments, or do assignments based on an imported CSV or assignment export from another tenant to name a view scenario's

Might be a little bit offtopic to what the tool is currently doing, but I think this functionality can be very handy to have in the tool.

Sorry, did see another feature request asking for similar functionality. Will close this one