
Silent job warning: Object path for Conditional Access (ConditionalAccess) not found. Skipping object

dtcrown opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there,

I'm a little stumped because I'm not sure exactly where I am going wrong.

I am attempting to do a bulk Word documentation as a silent job. I have a created a BulkDocumentation json and I'm calling executing it using the command below:

Start-IntuneManagement.ps1 -silent -ShowConsoleWindow -TenantId <removed> -AppId <removed> -Certificate <removed> -SilentBatchFile BulkDocumentation.json

Whenever I execute, I get the following errors (extract below):

Trigger function Invoke-SilentBatchJob Trigger Invoke-SilentBatchJob in Documentation Get Conditional Access objects WARNING: Object path for Conditional Access (ConditionalAccess) not found. Skipping object type Get Terms of use objects WARNING: Object path for Terms of use (TermsOfUse) not found. Skipping object type Get Named Locations objects WARNING: Object path for Named Locations (NamedLocations) not found. Skipping object type WARNING: MigrationTable not found. Groups will be documented with GroupId Run PreProcess for Word Add Cover Page: Ion (Dark) Available Cover Page properties for Ion (Dark): PublishDate,Abstract,CompanyAddress,CompanyPhone,CompanyFax,CompanyEmail Filter: Run PostProcess for Word

The document does generate, but it doesn't actually pull the data from the backend.

If I do an export instead with the same Object (in this example Conditional Access) it works fine. Am I using this incorrectly?

Never mind! My BulkDocumentation json file was not pointing to the correct directory after the export.

The bulk export json had a variable in the output directory in which the documentation json couldn't use but I had removed earlier and had forgotten. I've removed the variable on both files and just used a static directory path instead. It's more happy now.

I'm getting an MS graph permissions issue now but I'll work through that instead.