
Deprecation Warning for the dossiers and dashboard popping up in logger though no dossier is used

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I get the deprecation warning:

2024-04-30T08:21:38 - WARNING   Class: py.warnings, Method: _showwarnmsg
                                DeprecationWarning: mstrio.project_objects.dossier module is
                                deprecated and will not be supported starting from mstrio-py
                                11.5.03. Please use mstrio.project_objects.dashboard instead.

My imports and logging configs are

import mstrio.connection as mio_connection
import mstrio.modeling.metric as mio_metric
import mstrio.modeling.schema.attribute as mio_attribute
import mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers as mio_helpers
import mstrio.object_management.folder as mio_folder
import mstrio.object_management.search_operations as mio_search_ops
import mstrio.object_management.shortcut as mio_shortcut
import mstrio.object_management.translation as mio_translation
import mstrio.types as mio_types
from lib.mstr import MSTREnv

# Set the logging level for the mstrio package to WARNING

I don't get why the warning shows up when I don't use any dashboard or dossier functionality.
Regards Martin