
Refresh Intellisence cache option don't work

ccarlos12 opened this issue · 9 comments

  • MSSQL Extension Version:1.4.0
  • VSCode Version:1.32.3
  • OS Version: Windows_NT x 6.1.7601

Steps to Reproduce:

1.Connect with MSSQL to sql database
2.create a SQL File
3.make a Select sql script, but the list of tables dont't have the objets of the database. In othes versions it works very well. Please fix it

I'm experiencing this issue as well for about the last two weeks. I recently got a new computer and installed a lot of extensions, so I thought one of them was causing this. I just fully uninstalled vscode and all preferences and extensions, and with only mssql added I continue to have this error.

@repalmervi a recent VS Code upgrade broke the mssql extension's IntelliSense implementation. Basically we are using an older version of the vscode-languageclient that has fallen out of support. I have a PR to upgrade a new module version at #1197. We'll publish a new extension update soon (likely today or tomorrow) once testing is complete.

I'll attach a VSIX download link to the PR this afternoon if you'd like to side-load the "in-development" version to resolve the issue prior to the extension update release.

The vscode-mssql `1.5.0. release is now published with the language client update that should resolve this issue. Please let me know if the issue persists with the latest build.

I restart my laptop and the intellicense works ok. Im not sure why, but with this way I fix the problem

I'm on v1.6.0 and the refresh cache option doesn't work for me. I have to quit VSCode in order to get updated schema information. Reproduction steps:

  1. Connect to SQL in VSCode
  2. Create a new table
  3. Refresh Intellisense cache
  4. Write a select query against that table and receive red squigglies indicating the table doesn't exist

Edit 10/23/2019:
The extension version is now 1.7.0 and my Intellisense no longer gives me suggestions from the database schema at all. It only gives suggestions based on existing text in the window. I'm connected to a local SQL 2016 server instance.

jkarr commented

I'm experiencing the same issue as described by @SargntSprinkles . I'm on version 1.7.0 and refreshing intellisense cache does not give me any schema based intellisense. @kburtram

I am experiencing this problem as well.

Sql Server 2016



I uninstalled/reinstalled the extension restarting VS Code for good measure after each step.