
Formatter Issue Template

kevcunnane opened this issue · 0 comments

This is the template for any TSQL Formatter issues. Please Copy & Paste this issue template when creating formatter-related bugs as it will help reproduce the issue.

**Problem Summary**

  • MSSQL Extension Version: <0.3.0>
  • VSCode Version: <1.9.0>
  • OS Version:

**Formatter Settings**
datatypeCasing: "none" / "uppercase" / "lowercase",
keywordCasing: "none" / "uppercase" / "lowercase",
alignColumnDefinitionsInColumns: false,
placeCommasBeforeNextStatement: false,
placeSelectStatementReferencesOnNewLine" false,

**Input Text** - place unformatted SQL below


**Actual Output** - place formatted SQL (that doesn't work as expected) below


**Expected Output** - place formatted SQL as you'd expect it to look below
