
Advice for Enabling Autocompletions Does Not Work on macOS 12.5 using zsh

Closed this issue · 2 comments


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  • I am reporting the documentation problem for the current version of Azure CLI.

Azure CLI version being used


Link to affected document

Description of the documentation error

Under the section Completion is not working, the advice fails to load correctly, using the link for Home-brew provided in that section also does not work.

Suggested fix

What I found to work was adding the following two lines at the bottom of my .zshrc file:

autoload bashcompinit && bashcompinit
source $(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion.d/az

Credit goes to this blog post for shedding light on part of the issue.

@jscottarmstrong Thank you for the feedback. This is being assigned to the content author to evaluate and update as appropriate.

Thank you for your feedback, @jscottarmstrong . Your suggestion has been added to the macOS installation doc in PR 3678.