
DirectWrite: Many classes have not been tagged with the right version

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@drewbatgit Can you take a look?

This type of documentation error makes it really hard to use newer functionality of DirectWrite, and to trust this metadata in general. You never really know what version of Windows you need for any particular interface and thus have to stick with an older common denominator, e.g. the original IDWriteFactory. (You "never really know" because it's either omitted or it could be wrong)

From my own investigation into this from a few years ago I know that everything up to IDWriteFactory7 is available on Windows 10 v1809, but it took quite a bit of digging to actually gather and verify that information.

I found a new error. It is wrote that IDWriteFontCollection1 have been introduced in Windows 7, Windows Vista with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Vista, but I am pretty sure it has been introduced in the first release of windows 10

That's probably true since it's part of dwrite_3.h.