
Is this information on the GetRawInputDeviceInfoA page a bug?

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Describe the bug
The following section..

If successful, this function returns a non-negative number indicating the number of bytes copied to pData.

If pData is not large enough for the data, the function returns -1. If pData is NULL, the function returns a value of zero. In both of these cases, pcbSize is set to the minimum size required for the pData buffer.

Call GetLastError to identify any other errors.

.. says that..

  • if successful, GetRawInputDeviceInfoA returns a "non-negative number"
  • if pData == NULL.. 0 is returned
  • if pcbSize is too small.. -1 is returned
  • any other errors can be identified using GetLastError

The first and the last seem confusing. pData == NULL is "non-negative", thus I suppose that is considered success. However does "to identify any other errors" mean that there is no way to detect those errors except checking if GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS? Or does it mean that any other error will also return a negative (but not -1) number and GetLastError can be used to "To get extended error information" as the CreateWindowA documentation page puts it?

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
The words "Call GetLastError to identify any other errors" are confusing. "To get extended error information, call GetLastError" is clearer.


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