
Custom audio doesn't work in Toast Notification for Desktop Application

sergey-koryshev opened this issue · 5 comments


I use custom audio in Toast Notification in Desktop Application. But I found some problems with play this audio. I have two versions of Windows:

  • 1607
  • 1809

In version 1607 custom audio plays perfectly. But in version 1809 custom audio file doesn't play, there is just standard sound instead my audio.

I added audio by follow code:

Audio = new ToastAudio()
    Src = new Uri("file:///...")

Am I missing something? Could someone please help me with the issue?

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Thanks for reporting this! Looking into the issue with the dev team.

@Ace-Lightning your app is a classic Win32 app, correct? It is NOT using the Desktop Bridge?

@andrewleader, yes, it’s classic .NET application, not Desktop Bridge

Thanks @Ace-Lightning. I've confirmed with the dev team that this is a known issue. We don't have any current plans to address it, as the fix is relatively big compared to the number of people who have asked for this functionality.

If you use the Desktop Bridge to package your application, you'll be able to use resources via the ms-appx:/// file path and audio will work! Otherwise, if Desktop Bridge isn't an option for you, we'll continue to evaluate feedback around this area and see what happens! Thanks!


I'm not familiar with Desktop Bridge. I will investigate this way.
But I look forward the issue will be handled for Win32 applications near future.

Thanks for looking at it!