
Entra ID Connect has wrong instructions, again!

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Module: 00

Lab/Demo: 04

Exercise: 03

Task: 01

Step: 07, 08,10

Task: 03

Step: 05

Description of issue

It appears that a search and replace has been done across the entire instructions and this has resulted in this being added to the lab instructions: Microsoft Entra ID Administrative Center.

This should read: Active Directory Administrative Center

Please edit these references and change them back to their proper name.

Other than this issue the lab now works perfectly.

Azure AD admin center Azure Active Directory admin center > Replaced with Microsoft Entra admin center. Source:

You have missed the point of the issue. the lab is talking about the ON-PREM Active Directory Administrative Center but your lab is referring to it as the Microsoft Entra ID Administrative Center.

Please change the occurrences of Microsoft Entra ID Administrative Center to Active Directory Administrative Center...

I have even included the picture so that it cannot be mistaken. We are not talking about a cloud tool here we are talking about the on-prem ADDS tool. Can you please fix this so that the name matches the picture I sent with the issue..