
CosmosDB Provisioning Changes Break CosmosDB lab

VitalyMCT opened this issue · 2 comments

The CosmosDB provisioning wizard has changed and in some scenarios defaults to multi-region writes and replication across 2 regions.

This breaks the lab because container creation requires 2x1,000 RUs instead of 1,000 RUs (the account is provisioned with a 1,000 RU limit).

The provisioning changes appear to be limited to some scenarios only, perhaps to some subscription types. The issue is reproducible in the official Skillable ALH environment.

The CosmosDB provisioning wizard has changed and in some scenarios defaults to multi-region writes and replication across 2 regions.

This breaks the lab because container creation requires 2x1,000 RUs instead of 1,000 RUs (the account is provisioned with a 1,000 RU limit).

The provisioning changes appear to be limited to some scenarios only, perhaps to some subscription types. The issue is reproducible in the official Skillable ALH environment.

Thanks, will test this.

@VitalyMCT this issue only occurs when the Limit total account throughput: is checked.
Creating the Azure Cosmos DB with or without the Apply Free-Tier Discount option will work as long the as the Limit total account throughput: is unchecked, per line 29 of lab instructions.