MD102 Lab Test pass report - completed test pass - MORE details
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WarrenAJ commented
Ok, things went pretty well with only a few issues (already documented).
- There are quite a few instances of using the term blade. This should be page, pane, or window (as appropriate). I have captured some (maybe most) of these issues as I have tested, but as that was not my primary goal, I might have missed some (many). I can provide my MD files with the updates, but you should exercise caution using in case an other edits affect anything you've done to your files since release.
- The removal of some of the labs (and associated content in the modules) create a significant issue for timing. I can't overstate this issue. I teach MD101 very often. I run 9:30 to 4 most days with 2 morning breaks, an hour lunch, and 15 minutes for tea in the afternoon (well, this is England). I finish on Friday at 2pm. I am loquacious, but even so, my timings have never deviated. It's my opinion that as written and with the labs you have, this is a four day course running 9:30 to 4. If you want to add material, then you should consider reinstating module 9 (which is required on the exam) and it's labs, which would add back a couple of hours content. This would make for a very nice 9 to 4:30 four day course. Perfect. If you do this, you will need to tweak the labs in module 9 a little bit from those in MD101. Summary of lab removals from MD101: 403 and 404 (apps), 601 (WIP), 702 (ECM deploy), 803 (co manage), 901-903 (updates and analytics)
- I'll email some recommendations per the possible scheduled changes in later releases