
Integrate with Photonics 3D in a way as yet to be determined.

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Sounds cool, all for it. I also have Polymer UI experience, and I have to say Polymer + Typescript makes UI development pretty fast and easy. Data binding, code error checking, and three.js is a lot simpler to use with typing information

If we do integrate, the slicer will stay TypeScript (loosey-goosey typing in JS is madness!) though the resulting Javascript artifacts should work just fine no matter how you want to use them.

So what I could do is split out a library containing just the current slicer code and other dependencies.

I completely agree. I'm generally pretty skeptical of developers who say that JS is fun or is somehow a good language. It's certainly a very important language though.

Alright started back on this. Trying to get the new slicer out into a library and cleaning up the build. Gulp is a shit pile.

Great to hear! If you install Photonic 3d it's got quite a nice restful interface, with detailed control of every printer function you might need. If something is missing or broken, feel free to open a bug or feature request. You'll find we are quite responsive. The API is also documented with a swaggerized "try-it" interface by going here:

Which will give you an overview of the 7 main APIs. We also have an undocumented websocket interface for push notifications as well.

You'll probably be interested in the Printer and Printables APIs:

And the try it interface is like this:

How do I build and run locally? Will need to add a custom page

The main idea is run the slicer in the browser, then ship the images to photonics3d to use as a job

If you are just interested in getting up and running quickly we have several options here:

If you are looking for a simple download we have our latest stable build here:

If you are looking for the latest development build you can go to my repo:

If you are actually wanting to build from source and you are looking for the actual location of the gradle builds for building locally:

if you are interested in latching your fork(if you are going to fork) into a continuous integration system you can do that with your repo with this:

You might also notice that slacer was already added as a git sub module for easy integration as well. I haven't written any of these scripts, so if you have further questions, feel free to ask them on our area515/Photonic3D repo issues.

Okay, so after having yet another kid, and a job changes, and some time to work on the slicer on the train I've gotten things massively cleaned up and simplified.

As opposed to git submodules which are their own flavor of evil, I'd use yarn or npm to pull them in.

Cool nice job. When are you going to have supports available!? :)